Potter Payper Is The Third Guest On 'Conversations With A Risk Taker'
Author: Tom Dingley | Sunday 10th January 2021
Potter Payper is the latest guest to appear on new YouTube series 'Conversations With A Risk Taker'.
This new series is an interview-style series on YouTube where artists sit down and get deep into conversation about themselves, their career and more topics. Hosted by Armani, this is only the third episode and this weeks guest is Potter Payper.
Armani and Potter get into conversations about where the name Potter Payper actually came from when Potter first went to jail and the effects this had on him at the time and what he feels about it looking back on it, new fans vs old fans and what the new fans have meant for Potter's expectations of himself and so much more.
The hour-long interview covers a whole range of topics and you really get a good insight into Potter Payper and who he really is, as well as what his goals are going forward so if you are a Potter Payper fan or even if you are not but are still interested, this is a great watch from start to finish.
The video is out now on YouTube so head over and check this one out