Fox Delivers Crucial Message In Mental Health Documentary Titled 'Don't Stay Silent'
Author: Tom Dingley | Tuesday 29th December 2020
Birmingham rapper Fox has delivered a vitally important message in a brand new documentary on mental health titled 'Don't Stay Silent'.
In a year that has been incredibly tough for everyone, mental health will have been more of a struggle than ever. From being locked down multiple times and not being able to see people as much as we normally would, along with all the usual struggles that people go through day to day that may affect them mentally, it has been a challenging year.
In this documentary Fox talks about how music is his way to vent, his mental health struggles in prison, drug use and more. Speaking openly and honestly, Fox even talks about a psychotic episode that he had and what this meant for him.
Finally, Fox opens up about where he goes to clear his head and tells the audience a key message on the importance of speaking about things that get on top of you and how opening up really is the best thing to do if you are struggling in a mental health sense, and seeing him open up in this documentary is testament to what opening up really can do.
The documentary is out on YouTube now and is definitely one to watch with a very important message running the whole way through it so make sure you take this one in