Ebro talks with Kano on HOT 97!
Author: Sam Rasmin | Tuesday 29th October 2019

Following an incredible 2019, releasing his brand new album 'Hoodies All Summer', and re-launching the hit series 'Top Boy', UK legend, and pioneer, Kano took the time to fly out to the states where he caught up with Ebro, Rosengberg and Laura Stylez on HOT97.
We are at a point now where the US scene and the UK scene are merging, but despite the development in the bridge between the two cultures, there is still blurred lines as to what the UK is really like. Shows like Top Boy have given a clearer representation into what the culture is really like here, and of course, Kano has been a big part in the production of the show. Whilst making a huge impact with the re-launch the East London raised talent has also opened a dialogue with his expertly constructed project 'Hoodies All Summer', and now as he stands strong with legendary status, he is now furthering his journey by linking up with the likes of Ebro in the US and building that bridge between here and the states even stronger.
The 27-minute interview sees them talk on Top Boy, UK culture, the popularity of Grime and of course the brand new album.
You can watch the interview in full right here via the link below.