Nikki Brown lands with visuals to 'Who Do U Love?' and 'It's Over'
Author: Josh Clubbe | Wednesday 19th August 2020
Landing with fresh visuals, Nikki Brown doesn’t just bring one set to the table, but two with ‘It’s Over’ and ‘Who Do U Love? – each playing a different part to play in the London artist’s repertoire.
Firstly, let’s discuss ‘Who Do U Love?’ – this one out of the two certainly takes on a bouncier approach. It displays a lighter, more ‘danceable’ take with it certainly out of the two having the more commercial feel; but that’s not to say how the verse pans out, as it works on different ends of the spectrum and then meets in the middle somewhere, as the lyrics are calm, authoritative and punchy which balances the overall sound.
Now on to ‘It’s Over’, a track that embraces the more sensitive side – the lyrics delivered much more melodic and reflective than the aforementioned ‘Who Do U Love? which demonstrates a different style – overall, this switch-up showcases her capabilities and versatility.