Guardian leviathan Owen Jones forced to apologise after the paper confuses pictures of Kano and Wiley
Author: Rafi Benady | Thursday 30th July 2020
The Guardian columnist had no choice but to apologise after a picture of Kano was accidentally posted on the website next to a column of his about racism.
In a tweet Owen Jones said: "I'm absolutely horrified to see this terrible photo mistake made after my piece was signed off yesterday and want to apologise profusely on behalf of The Guardian."
"To be absolutely clear with everyone: I did not choose the photo or sign it off, writers never do at newspapers, and I completely understand everyone's anger."
The blunder sparked somewhat a reaction on Twitter. One user wrote "You can't make this up... Guardian uses photo of Kano in an article on racism referencing Wiley."
Another remarked: "I have to laugh or I'd cry. Racism is insidious. Honestly this is just one example of the multitude of c*** we face every day in every facet of our lives."
Owen Jones wrote his article entitled “Tackling racism on social media is just the tip of the iceberg” after Wiley’s racist rant on Twitter last week.