George The Poet addresses the bleak relationship between Black Britain and the police
Author: Triston Macauley | Wednesday 10th June 2020

The last couple of weeks have been dominated by police brutality and systemic racism after the death of George Floyd. Everything that has happened recently makes George The Poet’s piece from his podcast in 2018 evermore relevant.
The London poet shines a light on the incessant ordeals black and minority ethnic groups have to face in this country with regards to the police and racism. In this emotion-filled poem, George The Poet highlights disheartening facts such as black people being 40 times more likely to be stopped and searched, and black and minority ethnic groups are twice as likely to die in police custody.
This powerful poem features real-life stories from Jamelia, where she explains the trauma she and her late brother had endured growing up. We also hear from George The Poet’s friend Deezy talking about displacement being a black person growing up in Britain.
The hard-hitting reality portrayed in this 9-minute piece of art is just one of the many reasons why Black Lives Matter is prevalent. The damming statistics and facts in the poem is another reason why it is vital that the movement for equality continues.
Listen to the poem here.