Our very own @Joeyclipstar drops the top 3 most view Hardest Bars freestyles
Author: Rafi Benady | Friday 24th April 2020
At number 3 with 623,000 views is Hope Dealers. I can’t lie, their HB freestyle was sick and I’d be lying if I said otherwise. Each member has his own unique flow and these lot really did deliver. I’m now a fully-fledged Christian after this. I don’t know how they do it, but hats off to them for what they’ve done. Joey promises us part II is pending once lockdown is over.
The silver medal goes to NitoNB who’s HB freestyle scored a staggering 657,000 views. The way the West Londoner goes through on this one’s something else. Joey spun a good beat here and Nito went through effortlessly. This one slaps.
First place goes to the boys from Tottenham. OFB’s HB freestyle racked up 1,800,000 views - that’s more Nito and Hope Dealers combined. Bandokay, Double Lz and SJ leave no prisoners when it comes to drill tracks, and by God, this one’s no exception.